Ever thought about selling calendars instead of giving them away?

Many of our customers use calendars to raise funds or make some money. Here are a few ideas on ways you could boost your income – and raise your profile – with a little bit of effort.

Top Tip 1

Run a design a calendar competition for kids 

Put the best paintings or artwork into your calendar and sell them to parents (and a second copy to Granny).

Top Tip 2

Sell adverts to local businesses

Ask local businesses to buy adverts – put a different one on each page, or around the side of wallplanners.

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Top Tip 3

Photograph kids on their birthday month

Snap everyone with a June birthday together, then flog the calendars to Mums and Dads.

Top Tip 4

Strip off like the calendar girls
Get your colleagues to flash a bit of flesh in the name of charity.

Top Tip 5

Double up as recipe books
Pop on some seasonal recipes on each month and make the calendars even more sellable.

Calendars Line Up

No matter your budget, calendars are an effective way to give a branded gift that lasts a whole year. Here’s our most popular sellers – fancy something else? Ask us.

CASE CALENDARS A separate card per month with a front and back cover, all presented in a neat acrylic case 250 from £279

14 MONTH ‘DOUBLER’ CALENDARS Wall hanging, with big images and calendar pages to view 250 from £430.20

WALLPLANNERS A massive billboard on your customer’s wall, with the whole year to view (as well as your brand) 250 from £262.80

MOBILE PHONE HOLDERS Somewhere to rest their phone, with the whole year at a glance 250 from £235.80

POCKET CALENDARS To keep in the wallet or purse – your details one side an annual calendar on the back 250 from £27

DESKPADS A scribble pad with 35 leaves. A calendar on the side – leave room for to do lists and memos 100 from £188.10

HANGING CALENDARS Our lowest cost hanging calendar – a nice picture and a whole year to stick up 250 from £81.90

14 MONTH CALENDARS Starts in December and runs ‘til January 2018 – up a month earlier, stay a month later 250 from £259.20

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